Top Ten Coupons for Kids to Give to their Parents

couponA hand-made coupon book is a great gift for kids to give. It’s fun to create a personal “Book of Promises,” and fun through the coming months as mom and dad redeem the coupons. Here’s our top ten favorite kid coupons!

I promise to….

1. …give you a hug and a kiss before school.

2. …put away the groceries.

3. …bring you breakfast in bed.

4. …clean out the car.

5. …pick a bouquet of wildflowers.

6. …read you a story out loud.

7. …fold the clean laundry.

8. …brush the dog or cat.

9. …tell you a joke or a riddle.

10. …sing a song after supper.

Thanks to our friend Joanne Steele for her “Book of Promises” ideas….© J. Steele, All Rights Reserved.

© KidsArt, All Rights Reserved.

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