
Color Your Own Matisse Paintings

$4.95 $3.00

An outstanding compilation of 30 carefully drawn black-and-white reproductions of Matisse’s works.  30 great paintings in all, printed on both sides of sturdy white paper. 8-1/4″ by 11″ size, 32 pp.

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Children enjoy learning as they color great Matisse paintings, including  La Danse, Icarus, The Circus, The Sword Swallower, The Thousand and One Nights, The Moorish Cafe, and many others.  Coloring, painting, cutting and pasting the illustrations into their own original artwork teaches an awareness of Matisse’s style, his long career, and the beauty of his work.

All paintings are shown in full color on the covers, so kids can recreate the original hues or try their hand at choosing colors, patterns and textures. Captions identify each work of art.